
Künstlerin: Amelie Peace
Design: Preuss und Preuss
Galerie: Better Go South

Liebe Freunde und Kunstliebhaber,

wir freuen uns ankündigen zu können, dass BETTER GO SOUTH offiziell eine Galerie in Berlin Mitte eröffnet. Während der Berlin Art Week werden wir eine Einzelausstellung von Amelie Peace (London, UK) präsentieren. In den Hinterzimmern werden erstmals Werke aus der ständigen Sammlung #ThePreussCollection zu sehen sein. Mit Kunstwerken von Ana Barriga, Liam Fallon, Annabel Faustin, Jack Jubb, Hunter Potter und vielen anderen. Wir würden diesen Anlass gerne mit Euch feiern und laden Euch exklusiv zu unserer Eröffnung ein.

Dear Friends and Art Lovers,

We are pleased to announce BETTER GO SOUTH is officially opening a gallery location in Berlin Mitte. During Berlin Art Week we will present a solo exhibition of Amelie Peace (London, UK). Works from the permanent collection of #ThePreussCollection will be on view for the first time in the back rooms. With artworks by Ana Barriga, Liam Fallon, Annabel Faustin, Jack Jubb, Hunter Potter and many more. We would love to celebrate this occasion with you and invite you exclusively to our opening.

14.09. - 18.09.2022

Amélie Peace
b. 1997, France

London based artist Amelie Peace studied at "City & Guilds of London Art School".
Numerous key galleries and museums such as The Crypt Gallery, Arusha Gallery and JD Malat Gallery have already shown Amélie’s work. She recently has been featured in an exhibition initiated by PHILLIPS auctions. With BETTER GO SOUTH Amélie will present a solo show in Germany for the first time ever.
Amelie works both in painting and printmaking. Her practice delves into the experience of touch and the human need for physical connection. The psychophysical dialogues that she curates in her paintings discuss the emotional, sexual and gendered experience. She explores what it means to have a body, to share that body, how each exchange with another person alters one's sense of their own physical self.

She captures moments that stand on the line between softness and cruelty. The cruelty might be subtle at times but one can look to the clues Peace has left behind for us to decipher. Hands are an obvious fascination for her as they are forms that are always highlighted in the work. They act as stepping stones guiding the viewer through the many storylines in the paintings.

The intensity of colour in the work is used as a megaphone to portray the themes she explores in her practice. What it means to speak without words, the power that can be found in the unspoken language of the gestural. In each painting, the fourth wall is broken, which entices the viewer to become part of the theatrical puzzles Peace puts together in her pursuit to depict human emotion.